ERA.Net Rus Plus Call for Evaluators 2019
Do you have experience in European‐Russian research cooperation? Are you interested in the evaluation of Science and Technology projects? ERA.Net RUS Plus is looking for independent experts to participate in the evaluation of its Joint Calls for Proposals.
We are looking for experienced scientists and researchers, who are interested in supporting the peer review of applications submitted in response to the recent ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2019.
The ERA.Net RUS Plus is an initiative aiming at promoting a unified European approach to collaborating with Russia in the field of science & technology research.
A Joint Call for ‘S&T projects’ within the ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2019 supports the following topics:
1. Nanotechnologies
1.1 Advanced nano‐sensors for environment and health
1.2 Novel functional nanomaterials based on design and modelling
2. Health
2.1 Regenerative medicine, biomaterials and organ‐on‐a‐chip‐systems
2.2 Drug discovery for cancer, cardiovascular and infectious diseases
3. Social sciences and the humanities
3.1 Demography, migration, conflicts and security issues
3.2 Opportunities for and challenges to regional development and social cohesion
4. Robotics
No topics defined ("bottom-up" approach)
Countries that are participating in the ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2019 are: Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Turkey.
1. Required Skills
In order to serve as evaluator in the call, you must have proven experience in one or more of the following areas or activities:
- Management or evaluation of S&T projects;
- International cooperation in science and technology; development of human resources;
- Publication(s) with international co‐authorship included in WoS or SCOPUS;
- Technology transfer and innovation.
Knowledge of and experience in European‐Russian research collaboration is considered an advantage towards selection as evaluator.
2. Evaluation Framework
The period for the evaluation of proposals is May – June 2020.
Proposals will be in English language and about 25 pages long. We offer a remuneration of 50 € for each evaluation.
Selected peer reviewers will receive access to an online evaluation system and to the respective documents. Evaluation will be remotely done, with no subsequent physical peer reviewers meeting.
3. Registration as evaluator
In order to become an evaluator for the ERA.Net RUS Plus Joint Call for Proposals, you need to register yourself in the PT‐Expertdatabase under:
PT‐Expertdatabase is a database of evaluators which is used to facilitate the assessment of proposals for research projects from transnational S&T calls and is being maintained by the coordinator of the ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2019:
DLR Project Management Agency
European and International Cooperation
Please register at latest until 15 May 2020.
For further information, please refer to the ERA.Net RUS Plus website at http://www.eranet‐
Or contact the ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2019 ‐ Joint Call Secretariat:
DLR Project Management Agency, Germany
Mr. Jorn Grunewald, E‐mail:
Ms. Nino Chkoidze, E-mail:
Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), Russia
Mr. Yaroslav Sorokotyaga, E‐mail:
International Centre for Innovations in Science, Technology and Education (ICISTE), Russia
Ms. Anastasia Zadorina, E-mail:
ERA.Net RUS Plus2019_Call for Evaluators (PDF, 250 Кб)