Lectures in the Framework of International Project «Prospective Technological, Methodical and Material Solutions for New Physical Effects Searches» at National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (March - April 2018)
National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" launches an educational program in the framework of international project «Prospective Technological, Methodical and Material Solutions for New Physical Effects Searches». The program is:
• inter-disciplinary, covering high energy physics / material science / IT;
• open to all interested persons;
• fully WWW-integrated (online video and distant access to study materials);
• international - implemented in partnership with CERN and some other world leading research centers.
Lectures are in English with simultaneous translation into Russian.
For additional information on the project, please visit the following link: http://research.misis.ru/megascience
Contact information:
Tel.: +7 495 638-46-52
E-mail: megascience@misis.ru
Address: Moscow, Leninsky ave., 4, National University of Science and Technology "MISIS"