New Booklet "EU-Russia Year of Science: 12 Months of Excellence and Cooperation in Science, Higher Education and Innovation" Has Been Published
This booklet provides a chronology of the events which have taken place as part of the EU-Russia Year of Science - a year-long series of the events and initiatives to promote EU-Russia cooperation in research, higher education and innovation, - and with its selection of some of its highlights tries to give a flavor of the vibrancy and dynamism which made the Year such a success.
On 25 – 27 November 2013, Russia and the EU launched their bilateral EU-Russia Year of Science with a three-day series of events in Moscow, in
the presence of the Russian Minister of Education and Science, Dmitry Livanov, and the European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and
Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn. The Year of Science marked a new stage of cooperation and coincided with the parallel start of the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 and the new Russian Federal Targeted Programme “Research & Development in
Priority Areas of Development of the Russian Scientific & Technological Complex 2014-2020”.
The purpose of the Year of Science was to showcase the multifaceted nature of cooperation between Russia and Europe in science, technology,
higher education and innovation, to accentuate past achievements and to point towards future collaboration opportunities.
With more than 150 joint EU-Russia events having taken place all over Europe and Russia throughout the year, the Year of Science
has succeeded to highlight the diversity and richness of links in research, innovation and higher education between the EU, its Member States and
the Russian Federation.
This booklet provides a chronology of the events which have taken place as part of the EU-Russia Year of Science - a year-long series of the events and initiatives to promote EU-Russia cooperation in research, higher education and innovation, - and with its selection of some of its highlights tries to give a flavor of the vibrancy and dynamism which made the Year such a success.
Booklet_EU-Russia_YoS_2014_final booklet.pdf